Why You Should Never Exclude Your Crawl Space During Residential Insulation Installation

28 December 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Constructing a residential property that comes with a crawl space foundation comes with multiple advantages. First off, the crawl space works to ensure that your primary structure is not lying directly on the foundation slabs, which mitigates the risk of gradual water ingress that would cause moisture damage to your home. Secondly, by incorporating a crawl space in your custom home build, you are being proactive about keeping your interiors cool when Australia's tropical climate is suffocatingly hot, as this area will provide your structure with ventilation properties.

However, a major mistake that some homeowners make is assuming since the crawl space is not separate from their home, it does not require any residential insulation, but this is incorrect. Keep reading to learn why you should never exclude the crawl space during residential insulation installation.

Insulating the crawl space will protect the air quality in your home

While the crawl space under your home may not look like much when the house is newly constructed, this area can become dingy incredibly quickly. Australia's humid weather coupled with the darkness constantly surrounding the crawl space creates a highly conducive habitat for mould to grow. Left unchecked, the mould spores will steadily start to make their way into your main house, as the spores circulate incredibly easily and quickly. When the mould spores start breeding inside the home, they will negatively affect the smell and the quality of the air inside it.

Before you know it, your household will constantly be battling coughs, chest congestion, runny noses and so on — not to mention that you would have to pay for mould remediation to restore the air quality of your home and your household's health. To avoid all this, it is best to include the crawl space during residential insulation installation. The insulation creates a barrier against the humidity, so the crawl space does not become moist enough to become a mould habitat.

Insulating the crawl space will protect your home from pest infestations

Admittedly, pests can breach your home in an assortment of ways. Nonetheless, you should note that the most common access point that these critters will use is the crawl space between your house and its foundation. Any tiny cracks and crevices leading to this crawl space will allow rats, mice, spiders and other critters to make their way into your residential property in search of moisture, shelter and food.

Unless you have a keen eye, you may not even notice that your home is infested with pests, as they could choose to nest in the crawl space, and this keeps them out of sight. Pests also pose a health hazard for your household, as their faecal matter comprises bacteria and microbes that will contaminate your food. The best way to avoid this is by asking the construction contractors to install spray foam insulation in the crawl space, as this will close off all potential gaps and seclude the crawl space from any critters.
