What Do You Need to Know about Asbestos and the Way It Is Identified

16 February 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Asbestos is a heat-resistant and naturally occurring mineral. As such, it has been used in a wide variety of products and applications for many years—from insulation to fireproofing and even brake linings. Unfortunately, asbestos exposure can cause serious health risks, so it is important to understand the different types of asbestos and how to identify them.

Chrysotile Asbestos

Chrysotile asbestos is the most commonly used type of asbestos and accounts for the majority of asbestos used. Chrysotile fibres are curled, like a piece of paper that has been rolled into a tube, making them less likely to become airborne. This type of asbestos is usually found in roofing materials, insulation, fireproofing materials, gaskets and joint compounds.

Amosite Asbestos

Amosite asbestos was second only to chrysotile in terms of its prevalence until it became illegal in most countries due to its carcinogenic properties. Amosite fibres are long and needle-like in shape, which makes them more prone to becoming airborne than chrysotile fibres. This type of asbestos was often used as insulation or fireproofing material on ships and industrial buildings before being banned by governments around the world.

Crocidolite Asbestos

Crocidolite asbestos (also known as blue asbestos) is considered one of the most dangerous types of asbestos due to its needle-like shape, making it easier for particles to become airborne. Crocidolite fibres were primarily used in insulation products but have since been banned from use due to their extreme toxicity.

Tremolite Asbestos

Tremolite asbestos is an amphibole form of asbestos which means that it has long, thin fibres that can easily become airborne when disturbed by abrasion or weathering. This type of asbestos was not widely mined or used commercially but may be found as an impurity in other forms of mined minerals, such as talc or vermiculite ore deposits.

Could There Be Any Asbestos in Your Place?

Unfortunately, asbestos may still be present in many commercial and residential structures across Australia. However, it is almost impossible to tell with the untrained eye, and if you are worried about one of your own properties, you certainly need to bring in experts to answer that question. So, get in touch with an asbestos removal team today to start the ball rolling. They will know how to carry out certain tests, and if they find asbestos at your place, they will then initiate a plan. They will adopt the necessary safety measures and remove any asbestos found, so you can carry out renovations as needed.

For more information on asbestos removal, contact a professional near you.
