Understanding the Various Kinds of Stormwater Systems and Their Working Mechanisms

1 December 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When developing a residential property, you must give precedence to stormwater drainage and come up with a system that will help you manage it.  Failure to do so on your part will result in adverse effects on your property, which might even push some of your tenants away. Stormwater damages adjacent property severely when water from roads and driveways overflows. Excessive ponding and spread of water on the property also impedes the swift movement of traffic into and out of the property. Lastly, stagnating stormwater saturates the soil and weakens the sub-grade that forms the foundation for many structures on your property. This is why you need to invest in stormwater management systems to help you get rid of this harmful. Here is a look at some of the systems that you can go for.

Stormwater Swales

Stormwater swales are natural or man-made areas on the ground which are shaped to allow water to accumulate for a while before being absorbed by the soil. They allow water to seep through naturally and find its way into larger waterways such as rivers and lakes. Preferably, the swale should only hold water during and immediately after a storm, meaning that it will be dry most of the time. This makes them suitable for areas that have sandy soil or light loamy soils that let water seep through very quickly. If your property has heavy loam or clayey soil, carry out some landscaping to replace the clayey soil in the designated location of the swale.

Stormwater Retention Basin

A stormwater retention basin is designed to hold water for around three days, allowing it to seep through into a shallow underground aquifer. You can design the flat retention basin artificially or direct your stormwater to a natural, flat area. This area should have grass for stabilisation of the underlying soil. The grass also plays an important role in filtering sediments from the water. Notably, retention basins come as closed systems. They are constructed in a way that the stormwater doesn't reach other water bodies like rivers.

Wet Detention Pools

Wet detention systems are another effective way of managing stormwater. They have a pond and a permanent pool. When water gathers after a storm, it drains out from the point of collection (the pond) through an outflow pipe that feeds into a permanent pool. This pool is always below the level of the pond to facilitate the flow of stormwater by gravitational effect. Wet detention systems are the way to go if you are looking to grow some aquatic plants on your property.  
